Tuesday 31 May 2011

Glossary! (N-Y)



Natural Numbers - Regular counting numbers.

Negative Number - A number less than zero. For instance - a decimal .10

Net - Often referred to in elementary school math. A flattened 3-D shape that can be turned into a 3-D object with glue/tape and folding.

Nth Root - The nth root of a number is the number needed to multiply by itself 'n' times in order to get that number. For instance: the 4th root of 3 is 81 because 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 81.

Norm - The mean or the average - an established pattern or form.

Numerator - The top number in a fraction. In 1/2, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denomenator. The numerator is the portion of the denominator.

Number Line - A line in which points all correspond to numbers.

Numeral - A written symbol referring to a number.


Obtuse Angle - An angle having a measure greater than 90° and up to 180°.

Obtuse Triangle - A triangle with at least one obtuse angle as described above.

Octagon - A polygon with 8 sides.

Odds - The ratio/likelihood of an event in probability happening. The odds of flipping a coin and having it land on heads has a 1-2 chance.

Odd Number - A whole number that is not divisible by 2.

Operation - Refers to either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division which are called the four operations in mathematics or arithmetic.

Ordinal - Ordinal numbers refer to the position: first, second, third etc.

Order of Operations - A set of rules used to solve mathematical problems. BEDMAS is often the acronym used to remember the order of operations. BEDMAS stands for 'brackets, exponents, divison, multiplication, addition and subtraction.

Outcome - Used usually in probability to refer to the outcome of an event.


Parralellogram - A quadrilateral that has both sets of opposite sides that are parallel.

Parabola - A type of curve, any point of which is equally distant from a fixed point, called the focus, and a fixed straight line, called the directrix.

Pentagon - A five sided polygon. Regular pentagons have five equal sides and five equal angles.

Percent - A ratio or fraction in which the second term on denominator is always 100.

Perimeter - The total distance around the outside of a polygon. The total distance around is obtained by adding tegether the units of measure from each side.

Perpendicular - When two lines or line segments intersect and form right angles.

Pi p - The symbol for Pi is actually a greek letter. Pi is used to represent the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Plane - When a set of points joined together form a flat surface, the plan can extend without end in all directions.

Polynomial - An algebraic term. The sum of 2 or more monomials. Polynomials include variables and always have one or more terms.

Polygon - Line segments joined together to form a closed figure. Rectangles, squares, pentagons are all examples of polygons.

Prime Numbers - Prime numbers are integers that are greater than 1 and are only divisible by themselves and 1.

Probability - The likelihood of an event happening.

Product - The sum obtained when any two or more numbers are multiplied together.

Proper Fraction - A fraction where the denominator is greater than the numerator.

Protractor - A semi-circle device used for measuring angles. The edge is subdivided into degrees.


Quadrant - One quarter (qua) of the plane on the cartesian coordinate system. The plane is divided into 4 sections, each section is called a quadrant.

Quadradic Equation - An equation that can be written with one side equal to 0. Asks you to find the quadratic polynomial that is equal to zero.

Quadrilateral - A four (quad) sided polygon/shape.

Quadruple - To multiply or to be multiplied by 4.

Qualitative - A general description of properties that cannot be written in numbers.

Quartic - A polynomial having a degree of 4.

Quintic - A polynomial having a degree of 5.

Quotient - The solution to a division problem.


Radius - A line segment from the center of a circle to any point on the circle. Or the line from the center of a spere to any point on the outside edge of the sphere. The radius is the distance from the center of a circle/sphere to the outside edge.

Ratio - The relation between to quantities. Ratios can be expressed in words, fractions, decimals or percents. E.g., the ratio given when a team wins 4 out of 6 games can be said a 4:6 or four out of six or 4/6.

Ray - A straight line with one endpoint. The line extends infinitely.

Range - The difference between the maximum and the minimum in a set of data.

Rectangle - A parallelogram which has four right angles.

Repeating Decimal - A decimal with endlessly repeating digits. E.g., 88 divided by 33 will give a 2.6666666666666

Reflection - A mirror image of a shape or an object. Obtained from flipping the image/object.

Remainder - The number that is left over when the number cannot be divided evenly into the number.

Right Angle - An angle that is 90°.

Right Triangle - A triangle having one angle equal to 90°.

Rhombus - A parallelogram with four equal sides, sides are all the same length.


Scalene Triangle - A triangle with 3 unequal sides.


Sector - An area between an arc and two radiuses of a circle. Sometimes referred to as a wedge.

Slope - The slope shows the steepness or incliine of a line, determined from two points on the line.

Square Root- To square a number, you multiply it by itself. The square root of a number is the value of the number when multiplied by itself, gives you the original number. For instance 12 squared is 144, the square root of 144 is 12.

Stem and Leaf - A graphic organizer to organize and compare data. Similar to a histogram, organizes intervals or groups of data.

Subtraction - The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities. A process of 'taking away'.

Supplementary Angles - Two angles are supplementary if their sum totals 180°.

Symmetry - Two halves which match perfectly.

Tangent - When an angle in a right angle is X, the tangent of x is the ratio of lengths of the side opposite x to the side adjacent to x.

Term - A part of an algebraic equation or a number in a sequence or a series or a product of real numbers and/or variables.

Tessellation - Congruent plane figures/shapes that cover a plane completely without overlapping.

Translation - A term used in geometry. Often called a slide. The figure or shape is moved from each point of the figure/shape in the same direction and distance.

Transversal - A line that crosses/intersects two or more lines.

Trapezoid - A quadrilateral with exactly two parallel sides.

Tree Diagram - Used in probability to show all of the possible outcomes or combinations of an event.

Triangle - Three sided polygon.

Trinomial - An algebraic equation with 3 terms - polynomial.


Unit - A standard quantity used in measurement. An inch is a unit of length, a centimeter is a unit of length a pound is a unit of weight.

Uniform - All the same. Having the same in size, texture, color, design etc.


Variable - When a letter is used to represent a number or number in equations and or expressions. E.g., in 3x + y, both y and x are the variables.

Venn Diagram - A Venn diagram is often two circles (can be other shapes) that overlap. The overlapping part usually contains information that is pertinent to the labels on both sides of the Venn diagram. For instance: one circle could be labeled 'Odd Numbers', the other circle could be labeled 'Two Digit Numbers' the overlapping portion must contain numbers that are odd and have two digits. Thus, the overlapping portions shows the relationship between the sets. (Can be more than 2 circles.)

Volume - A unit of measure. The amount of cubic units that occupy a space. A measurement of capacity or volume.

Vertex- A point of intersection where two (or more) rays meet, often called the corner. Wherever sides or edges meet on polygons or shapes. The point of a cone, the corners of cubes or squares.


Weight - A measure of how heavy something is.

Whole Number - A whole number doesn't contain a fraction. A whole number is a positive integer which has 1 or more units and can be positive or negative.


X-Axis - The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.

X-Intercept - The value of X when the line or curve intersects or crosses the x axis.

X - The roman numeral for 10.

x - A symbol most often used to represent an unknown quantity in an equation.


Y-Axis - The vertical axis in a coordinate plane.

Y-Intercept - The value of y when the line or curve intersects or crosses the y axis.

Yard- A unit of measure. A yard is approximately 91.5 cm. A yard is also 3 feet.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Welcome welcome welcome!

Hello dear students of 5 Science Amanah,

As you all know, we are required to come up with a blog on Mathematics. So everyone, do contribute to make this blog alive!

Love always your Mathematics AJK who will be chasing after you for Mathematics articles,
Sofea Ghani