Monday 11 July 2011

JOBS that need the knowledge of mathematics :-

- Accountant
- Actuarial Executive
- Broker
- Business Consultant
- Call / Contact Centre Executive
- Credit Analyst
- Economist
- Financial Controller
- Insurance Agent
- Investment Banker
- Loss Adjuster (insurance)
- Management Trainee
- Statistician
- Trader
- Underwriter

By: Sayidatul :)

Sunday 26 June 2011

Branches of Mathematics!

Hello there! There's five branches of mathematics which is as follow; 


The term FOUNDATIONS is used to refer to the formulation and analysis of the language, axioms, and logical methods on which all of mathematics rests. The scope and complexity of modern mathematics requires a very fine analysis of the formal language in which meaningful mathematical statements may be formulated and perhaps be proved true or false. Most apparent mathematical contradictions have been shown to derive from an imprecise and inconsistent use of language. A basic task is to furnish a set of axioms effectively free of contradictions and at the same time rich enough to constitute a deductive source for all of modern mathematics. The modern axiom schemes proposed for this purpose are all couched within the theory of sets, originated by Georg Cantor, which now constitutes a universal mathematical language.

Historically, ALGEBRA is the study of solutions of one or several algebraic equations, involving the polynomial functions of one or several variables. The case where all the polynomials have degree one (systems of linear equations) leads to linear algebra. The case of a single equation, in which one studies the roots of one polynomial, leads to field theory and to the so-called Galois theory. The general case of several equations of high degree leads to algebraic geometry, so named because the sets of solutions of such systems are often studied by geometric methods.
Modern algebraists have increasingly abstracted and axiomatized the structures and patterns of argument encountered not only in the theory of equations, but in mathematics generally. Examples of these structures include groups (first witnessed in relation to symmetry properties of the roots of a polynomial and now ubiquitous throughout mathematics), rings (of which the integers, or whole numbers, constitute a basic example), and fields (of which the rational, real, and complex numbers are examples). Some of the concepts of modern algebra have found their way into elementary mathematics education in the so-called new mathematics.
Some important abstractions recently introduced in algebra are the notions of category and functor, which grew out of so-called homological algebra. Arithmetic and number theory, which are concerned with special properties of the integers—e.g., unique factorization, primes, equations with integer coefficients (Diophantine equations), and congruences—are also a part of algebra. Analytic number theory, however, also applies the nonalgebraic methods of analysis to such problems.


The essential ingredient of ANALYSIS is the use of infinite processes, involving passage to a limit. For example, the area of a circle may be computed as the limiting value of the areas of inscribed regular polygons as the number of sides of the polygons increases indefinitely. The basic branch of analysis is the calculus. The general problem of measuring lengths, areas, volumes, and other quantities as limits by means of approximating polygonal figures leads to the integral calculus. The differential calculus arises similarly from the problem of finding the tangent line to a curve at a point. Other branches of analysis result from the application of the concepts and methods of the calculus to various mathematical entities. For example, vector analysis is the calculus of functions whose variables are vectors. Here various types of derivatives and integrals may be introduced. They lead, among other things, to the theory of differential and integral equations, in which the unknowns are functions rather than numbers, as in algebraic equations. Differential equations are often the most natural way in which to express the laws governing the behavior of various physical systems. Calculus is one of the most powerful and supple tools of mathematics. Its applications, both in pure mathematics and in virtually every scientific domain, are manifold.

The shape, size, and other properties of figures and the nature of space are in the province of GEOMETRY. Euclidean geometry is concerned with the axiomatic study of polygons, conic sections, spheres, polyhedra, and related geometric objects in two and three dimensions—in particular, with the relations of congruence and of similarity between such objects. The unsuccessful attempt to prove the “parallel postulate” from the other axioms of Euclid led in the 19th cent. to the discovery of two different types of non-Euclidean geometry.
The 20th cent. has seen an enormous development of topology, which is the study of very general geometric objects, called topological spaces, with respect to relations that are much weaker than congruence and similarity. Other branches of geometry include algebraic geometry and differential geometry, in which the methods of analysis are brought to bear on geometric problems. These fields are now in a vigorous state of development.

Applied Mathematics

The term APPLIED MATHS loosely designates a wide range of studies with significant current use in the empirical sciences. It includes numerical methods and computer science, which seeks concrete solutions, sometimes approximate, to explicit mathematical problems (e.g., differential equations, large systems of linear equations). It has a major use in technology for modeling and simulation. For example, the huge wind tunnels, formerly used to test expensive prototypes of airplanes, have all but disappeared. The entire design and testing process is now largely carried out by computer simulation, using mathematically tailored software. It also includes mathematical physics, which now strongly interacts with all of the central areas of mathematics. In addition,probability theory and mathematical statistics are often considered parts of applied mathematics. The distinction between pure and applied mathematics is now becoming less significant.


Funn! :B 

Monday 13 June 2011

Maths Quotes ! :)

Hey guys, here are some interesting mathematical quotes that I found :)

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
John Louis von Neumann

Chess, like mathematics and music, is a nursery for child prodigies.
Jamie Murphy

Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics.

Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused through the countless number of possible exceptions.
Felix Klein

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein

One reason why mathematics enjoys special esteem, above all other sciences, is that its propositions are absolutely certain and indisputable, ... How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality.
Albert Einstein

 Mathematics is not a deductive science -- that's a cliche. When you try to prove a theorem, you don't just list the hypotheses, and then start to reason. What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guesswork.
Paul R. Halmos, in I Want to be a Mathematician, Washington: MAA Spectrum, 1985.

“Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand to your pencil to your paper till you get the answer.”

“Mathematics is made of 50 percent formulas, 50 percent proofs, and 50 percent imagination.”

"One cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem."

"Mathematics is the science of definiteness, the necessary vocabulary of those who know."
W. J. White

"The mathematician does not study pure mathematics because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it and he delights in it because it is beautiful."  
Henri Poincare
 Done by : Helinna :) 

Saturday 11 June 2011


By Sarah! :)

1) Business.
- We buy and sell anything and everything using simple mathematics such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
- For example, when we stop by a convenient store and purchase a bar of chocolate which costs RM3.50 but pay with RM 5.00. How much change are we suppose to receive from the cashier?
- This involves mathematics. It is such a simple skill which can take you a very long way.

2) Economy.
- Statistics have been widely applied to determine the economy level of a certain company or even a country.
- It plays an important role in helping a company to plan its annual budget.

3) Architecture.
- An architect usually draws out a plan of their design. At times, they have a replica of a certain building.
- These plans have a certain scale to the original building.
- These architects use a ratios such as 1:249 of the replica to the building.
- It helps them a lot during the process of building.

4) Geography
- The existence of GPS is from the help of mathematics.
- Mathematics contribute to locating these places throughout the whole world.
- Nowadays, people can easily find directions to everywhere and anywhere.
- The distance of the places are also very accurate.

5) Health
- Every human needs nutrition in their daily diet. A nutritionist is the one who helps to determine the amount of nutrition a person needs.
- Each class of food has a certain amount that is needed by the body.
- Besides that, Body Mass Index (BMI) is also another use of mathematics.
- We use a certain formula that consists of mathematical measurements such as height and mass to calculate a person’s BMI.

6) Music
- Mathematics is also widely used in producing music.
- Every instrument uses the 4 count to be played melodically.
- With the help of counting, we can easily produce music.

Sunday 5 June 2011


Hey you guys (: Thank you for all your posts so far. For those you have Blogger and Twitter accounts, do you mind following the blog? Hehe thanks!

Happy Holidays!! :)

Sofea Ghani

Friday 3 June 2011

Fun Ways to learn Maths

Hi, this is Elisha reporting for duty :)
I was assigned to find out interesting ways Malaysians learn Mathematics.
Well I am not going to bore you with internet facts, but rather share the observations I have made as a student.

  • Twitter

Twitter is not only a happening, modern social site for teens, but can become a place for learning as well. Regular teenagers like you and me have started posting important facts about various subjects on twitter. The user may tweet about formulas or short notes that need to be remembered for SPM; and because it is on the internet, students from all around Malaysia can access these tweets and study on-the-go.

  • Learning Festivals

Just as seen from the article above, the Kuantan district education office (with collaboration with a chemical company) organised an English, Maths and Science festival (EMaS Fest). The students were required to set up activity booths with different games, puzzles and riddles, based on the three subjects, that were related to the school syllabus. With this technique, many school children end up finding new ways to apply what they learn in school to everyday activities, which in turn makes them think outside the box.

  • Mathematics Centers

I know what you're thinking, tuition ? Well I was thinking more a center for enhancing and developing children's thinking skills. In Malaysia, we have all sorts of centers which cater to this cause, like Kumon, Brain Builders and Tumble Tots. These centers let children or teenagers grow and bloom at their own pace with the help of tutors and teachers. Most students from these centers have no problem with Mathematics in school or in college as they excel tremendously beyond their years of learning at a very young age.

  • Blogs

Last but not least, blogs. Blogs just like this one can make Mathematics a fun adventure. Students don't only learn Mathematics but also IT and simple blogging. This will allow easy and fast access to information about the subject, not only by students in Malaysia but all over the world, as anyone can view and benefit from these blogs. It lets students express their creative sides in individual ways , instead of making them cram word-for-word textbook information only to be forgotten the moment their exams are over.

As you can see, students of Malaysia, even normal students and teachers can create ways for Mathematics to be learnt outside of boring classroom lectures. Society has created a new outlet for children and teens to understand their lessons, rather than simply memorizing without understanding.

This, I believe, might just be the future in not only Mathematics but learning in general.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Glossary (A-M)

Maths Glossary (A-M) by Kamalam!


absolute value
The distance of a number from zero; the positive value of a number.

acute angle
A positive angle measuring less than 90 degrees.

acute triangle
A triangle each of whose angles measures less than 90 degrees.

additive identity
The number zero is called the additive identity because the sum of zero and any number is that number.

additive inverse
The additive inverse of any number x is the number that gives zero when added to x. The additive inverse of 5 is -5.

adjacent angles
Two angles that share both a side and a vertex.

The union of two rays with a common endpoint, called the vertex.

A portion of the circumference of a circle.

The number of square units that covers a shape or figure.

associative property of addition
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

associative property of multiplication
(a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

A number that represents the characteristics of a data set.

axis of symmetry
A line that passes through a figure in such a way that the part of the figure on one side of the line is a mirror reflection of the part on the other side of the line.


The bottom of a plane figure or three-dimensional figure.

To divide into two congruent parts.

Box and whisker plot
A type of data plot that displays the quartiles and range of a data set.


Cartesian coordinates
A system in which points on a plane are identified by an ordered pair of numbers, representing the distances to two or three perpendicular axes.

central angle
An angle that has its vertex at the center of a circle.

A line segment that connects two points on a curve.

The distance around a circle.

A constant that multiplies a variable.

Points are collinear if they lie on the same line.

A selection in which order is not important.

common factor
A factor of two or more numbers.

common multiple
A multiple of two or more numbers.

commutative property of addition
a + b = b + a.

commutative property of multiplication
a*b = b*a.

complementary angles
Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.

composite number
A natural number that is not prime.

A three-dimensional figure with one vertex and a circular base.

Figures or angles that have the same size and shape.

A value that does not change.

coordinate plane
The plane determined by a horizontal number line, called the x-axis, and a vertical number line, called the y-axis, intersecting at a point called the origin. Each point in the coordinate plane can be specified by an ordered pair of numbers.

Points that lie within the same plane.

counting numbers
The natural numbers, or the numbers used to count.

counting principle
If a first event has n outcomes and a second event has m outcomes, then the first event followed by the second event has n times m outcomes.

cross product
A product found by multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction and the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second.

A solid figure with six square faces.

A three-dimensional figure having two parallel bases that are congruent circles.


Information that is gathered.

decimal number
The numbers in the base 10 number system, having one or more places to the right of a decimal point.

A unit of measure of an angle.

The bottom part of a fraction.

dependent events
Two events in which the outcome of the second is influenced by the outcome of the first.

The line segment connecting two nonadjacent vertices in a polygon.

The line segment joining two points on a circle and passing through the center of the circle.

The result of subtracting two numbers.

The ten symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The number 215 has three digits: 2, 1, and 5.

distributive property
a(b + c) = ab + ac

In a / b = c, a is the dividend.

In a / b = c, b is the divisor.


The set of all points in a plane such that the sum of the distances to two fixed points is a constant.

A mathematical statement that says that two expressions have the same value; any number sentence with an =.

equilateral triangle
A triangle that has three equal sides.

equivalent equations
Two equations whose solutions are the same.

equivalent fractions
Fractions that reduce to the same number.

error of measurement
The difference between an approximate measurement and the actual measure taken.

To substitute number values into an expression.

even number
A natural number that is divisible by 2.

In probability, a set of outcomes.

A number that indicates the operation of repeated multiplication.


One of two or more expressions that are multiplied together to get a product.

To break a number into its factors.

A flat surface of a three-dimensional figure.

A equation that states a rule or a fact.

A number used to name a part of a group or a whole. The number below the bar is the denominator, and the number above the bar is the numerator.

The number of times a particular item appears in a data set.

frequency table
A data listing which also lists the frequencies of the data.


A type of drawing used to represent data.

greatest common factor (GCF)
The largest number that divides two or more numbers evenly


A line with zero slope.

The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle.


identity property of addition
The sum of any number and 0 is that number.

identity property of multiplication
The product of 1 and any number is that number.

improper fraction
A fraction with a numerator that is greater than the denominator.

independent events
Two events in which the outcome of the second is not affected by the outcome of the first.

A mathematical expression which shows that two quantities are not equal.

A limitless quantity.

inscribed angle
An angle placed inside a circle with its vertex on the circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle

inscribed polygon
A polygon placed inside a circle so that each vertex of the polygon touches the circle.

The set of numbers containing zero, the natural numbers, and all the negatives of the natural numbers.

The x-intercept of a line or curve is the point where it crosses the x-axis, and the y- intercept of a line or curve is the point where it crosses the y-axis.

intercepted arc
The arc of a circle within an inscribed angle.

A method for estimating values that lie between two known values.

intersecting lines
Lines that have one and only one point in common.

Opposite. -5 is the additive inverse of 5, because their sum is zero. 1/3 is the multiplicative inverse of 3, because their product is 1.

inverse operations
Two operations that have the opposite effect, such as addition and subtraction.

irrational number
A number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.

isosceles triangle
A triangle with at least two equal sides.


least common denominator
The smallest multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.

least common multiple
The smallest nonzero number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.
like fractions
Fractions that have the same denominator.

A straight set of points that extends into infinity in both directions.

line of symmetry
Line that divides a geometric figure into two congruent portions.

line segment
Two points on a line, and all the points between those two points.

A path of points.

The study of sound reasoning.

lowest terms
Simplest form; when the GCF of the numerator and the denominator of a fraction is 1.


In a data set, the sum of all the data points, divided by the number of data points; average.

The middle number in a data set when the data are put in order; a type of average.

A point on a line segment that divides the segment into two congruent segments.

mixed number
A number written as a whole number and a fraction.

A type of average; the number (or numbers) that occurs most frequently in a set of data.

A multiple of a number is the product of that number and any other whole number. Zero is a multiple of every number.

multiplicative identity
The number 1 is the multiplicative identity because multiplying 1 times any number gives that number.

multiplicative inverse
The reciprocal of a number.

mutually exclusive events
Two or more events that cannot occur at the same time.


Hi guys, its Farah Addina :)
I've posted some links to some past year papers from other states under the SPM CORNER. So don't forget to take a look aight?

Thanks loves :) xx

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Glossary! (N-Y)



Natural Numbers - Regular counting numbers.

Negative Number - A number less than zero. For instance - a decimal .10

Net - Often referred to in elementary school math. A flattened 3-D shape that can be turned into a 3-D object with glue/tape and folding.

Nth Root - The nth root of a number is the number needed to multiply by itself 'n' times in order to get that number. For instance: the 4th root of 3 is 81 because 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 81.

Norm - The mean or the average - an established pattern or form.

Numerator - The top number in a fraction. In 1/2, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denomenator. The numerator is the portion of the denominator.

Number Line - A line in which points all correspond to numbers.

Numeral - A written symbol referring to a number.


Obtuse Angle - An angle having a measure greater than 90° and up to 180°.

Obtuse Triangle - A triangle with at least one obtuse angle as described above.

Octagon - A polygon with 8 sides.

Odds - The ratio/likelihood of an event in probability happening. The odds of flipping a coin and having it land on heads has a 1-2 chance.

Odd Number - A whole number that is not divisible by 2.

Operation - Refers to either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division which are called the four operations in mathematics or arithmetic.

Ordinal - Ordinal numbers refer to the position: first, second, third etc.

Order of Operations - A set of rules used to solve mathematical problems. BEDMAS is often the acronym used to remember the order of operations. BEDMAS stands for 'brackets, exponents, divison, multiplication, addition and subtraction.

Outcome - Used usually in probability to refer to the outcome of an event.


Parralellogram - A quadrilateral that has both sets of opposite sides that are parallel.

Parabola - A type of curve, any point of which is equally distant from a fixed point, called the focus, and a fixed straight line, called the directrix.

Pentagon - A five sided polygon. Regular pentagons have five equal sides and five equal angles.

Percent - A ratio or fraction in which the second term on denominator is always 100.

Perimeter - The total distance around the outside of a polygon. The total distance around is obtained by adding tegether the units of measure from each side.

Perpendicular - When two lines or line segments intersect and form right angles.

Pi p - The symbol for Pi is actually a greek letter. Pi is used to represent the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Plane - When a set of points joined together form a flat surface, the plan can extend without end in all directions.

Polynomial - An algebraic term. The sum of 2 or more monomials. Polynomials include variables and always have one or more terms.

Polygon - Line segments joined together to form a closed figure. Rectangles, squares, pentagons are all examples of polygons.

Prime Numbers - Prime numbers are integers that are greater than 1 and are only divisible by themselves and 1.

Probability - The likelihood of an event happening.

Product - The sum obtained when any two or more numbers are multiplied together.

Proper Fraction - A fraction where the denominator is greater than the numerator.

Protractor - A semi-circle device used for measuring angles. The edge is subdivided into degrees.


Quadrant - One quarter (qua) of the plane on the cartesian coordinate system. The plane is divided into 4 sections, each section is called a quadrant.

Quadradic Equation - An equation that can be written with one side equal to 0. Asks you to find the quadratic polynomial that is equal to zero.

Quadrilateral - A four (quad) sided polygon/shape.

Quadruple - To multiply or to be multiplied by 4.

Qualitative - A general description of properties that cannot be written in numbers.

Quartic - A polynomial having a degree of 4.

Quintic - A polynomial having a degree of 5.

Quotient - The solution to a division problem.


Radius - A line segment from the center of a circle to any point on the circle. Or the line from the center of a spere to any point on the outside edge of the sphere. The radius is the distance from the center of a circle/sphere to the outside edge.

Ratio - The relation between to quantities. Ratios can be expressed in words, fractions, decimals or percents. E.g., the ratio given when a team wins 4 out of 6 games can be said a 4:6 or four out of six or 4/6.

Ray - A straight line with one endpoint. The line extends infinitely.

Range - The difference between the maximum and the minimum in a set of data.

Rectangle - A parallelogram which has four right angles.

Repeating Decimal - A decimal with endlessly repeating digits. E.g., 88 divided by 33 will give a 2.6666666666666

Reflection - A mirror image of a shape or an object. Obtained from flipping the image/object.

Remainder - The number that is left over when the number cannot be divided evenly into the number.

Right Angle - An angle that is 90°.

Right Triangle - A triangle having one angle equal to 90°.

Rhombus - A parallelogram with four equal sides, sides are all the same length.


Scalene Triangle - A triangle with 3 unequal sides.


Sector - An area between an arc and two radiuses of a circle. Sometimes referred to as a wedge.

Slope - The slope shows the steepness or incliine of a line, determined from two points on the line.

Square Root- To square a number, you multiply it by itself. The square root of a number is the value of the number when multiplied by itself, gives you the original number. For instance 12 squared is 144, the square root of 144 is 12.

Stem and Leaf - A graphic organizer to organize and compare data. Similar to a histogram, organizes intervals or groups of data.

Subtraction - The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities. A process of 'taking away'.

Supplementary Angles - Two angles are supplementary if their sum totals 180°.

Symmetry - Two halves which match perfectly.

Tangent - When an angle in a right angle is X, the tangent of x is the ratio of lengths of the side opposite x to the side adjacent to x.

Term - A part of an algebraic equation or a number in a sequence or a series or a product of real numbers and/or variables.

Tessellation - Congruent plane figures/shapes that cover a plane completely without overlapping.

Translation - A term used in geometry. Often called a slide. The figure or shape is moved from each point of the figure/shape in the same direction and distance.

Transversal - A line that crosses/intersects two or more lines.

Trapezoid - A quadrilateral with exactly two parallel sides.

Tree Diagram - Used in probability to show all of the possible outcomes or combinations of an event.

Triangle - Three sided polygon.

Trinomial - An algebraic equation with 3 terms - polynomial.


Unit - A standard quantity used in measurement. An inch is a unit of length, a centimeter is a unit of length a pound is a unit of weight.

Uniform - All the same. Having the same in size, texture, color, design etc.


Variable - When a letter is used to represent a number or number in equations and or expressions. E.g., in 3x + y, both y and x are the variables.

Venn Diagram - A Venn diagram is often two circles (can be other shapes) that overlap. The overlapping part usually contains information that is pertinent to the labels on both sides of the Venn diagram. For instance: one circle could be labeled 'Odd Numbers', the other circle could be labeled 'Two Digit Numbers' the overlapping portion must contain numbers that are odd and have two digits. Thus, the overlapping portions shows the relationship between the sets. (Can be more than 2 circles.)

Volume - A unit of measure. The amount of cubic units that occupy a space. A measurement of capacity or volume.

Vertex- A point of intersection where two (or more) rays meet, often called the corner. Wherever sides or edges meet on polygons or shapes. The point of a cone, the corners of cubes or squares.


Weight - A measure of how heavy something is.

Whole Number - A whole number doesn't contain a fraction. A whole number is a positive integer which has 1 or more units and can be positive or negative.


X-Axis - The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.

X-Intercept - The value of X when the line or curve intersects or crosses the x axis.

X - The roman numeral for 10.

x - A symbol most often used to represent an unknown quantity in an equation.


Y-Axis - The vertical axis in a coordinate plane.

Y-Intercept - The value of y when the line or curve intersects or crosses the y axis.

Yard- A unit of measure. A yard is approximately 91.5 cm. A yard is also 3 feet.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Welcome welcome welcome!

Hello dear students of 5 Science Amanah,

As you all know, we are required to come up with a blog on Mathematics. So everyone, do contribute to make this blog alive!

Love always your Mathematics AJK who will be chasing after you for Mathematics articles,
Sofea Ghani